Monday, 25 October 2010

Deconstruction of School Magazine 2

This is Hilbre high schools, school magazine, what first draws you in too this magazine is it big bold white heading ‘Hilbre Endeavour’, which is top centre of the magazine, the word ‘Hilbre’ is slightly bigger as this is the name of the school. The school logo is at the top right of the magazine and again is sticking with white, the whole magazines colours is quite neutral and the school colours, although the logo is hard to notice straight away as it does seem to blend into the back round. The back round of the magazine is outdoors, you can see a slight few trees at the back and the floor is obviously an out doors floor, although the back round is mainly covered by  a block purple colour. The picture that has been used of course stands out on this magazine as most of what the people in the picture are wearing dark coloured clothing, with the logo on the blazers standing out on the uniform.
The picture is with students and pupils this shows pupils and teachers working along side each other to complete the goal. As the picture is central and takes up most of the magazine cover it hasn’t left too much space for details what else is inside the magazine and has used a small text at the left bottom corner of the magazine to advertise this. The word ‘inside’ just above the advertisement of what else is on, is in white writing which is difficult to recognise straight away, a bolder colour and bigger writing of the whole things would have stood out more. If the magazine had used a few more different colours on the magazine as a whole it would have looked more appealing, and eye catching.

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